10 Beautiful Countries With A Few Local Miseries
One of the things I like doing the most when I travel to a new country is getting to know more about the local culture, how the locals live and go about their day to day lives, and the types of challenges that they face.
It’s quite easy to get caught up in the scenery and the plethora of fun things to do and places to see without even stopping to spare a thought for the locals.
In most countries, tourists know more about the country and enjoy the resources and sights more than the locals who have lived in those countries for decades.
Some locals are just caught up with living their lives and going about their daily routines that they really don’t have enough time to spend having fun. For some, they simply take some things for granted or just don’t realise how fortunate they are to live in some exotic and beautiful places.
We have put together a random list of beautiful countries where the majority of locals face daily issues that some persons would simply find untenable or unbearable.
Hungary has some amazing cities, such as its capital Budapest and historical landmarks and beautiful places such as Lake Balaton.
However Hungary has an issue with high unemployment, Although offers lots of beautiful sites and historical landmarks, it is also a country with high unemployment levels, high crime rates, suicide and alarming mental health issues.
In some areas in the countryside suicide is so general that no family remains unaffected. Hungary has in the past recorded the highest per population figure for suicides in the world.
Although there seems to be a recent drop in suicide figures there is a growing rate of mental disorders and the growth of alcoholism.
Nonetheless the Hungarians are some of the funniest and friendliest people that you could ever meet.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is a very wealthy country with very good infrastructures, thanks to its massive oil resources.
However, freedoms are restricted in Saudi Arabia, with wide discrimination against minorities of all types. The gap between the wealthy and the poor is very wide, adding to the national unrest.

The Kaaba (Al Kaaba Al Musharrafah) in Mecca, Saudi Arabia with the Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel in the background
Romania has some of the most beautiful natural attractions in the world, such as the Carpathian Mountains. This country has breathtakingly beautiful waterfalls, lakes and valleys.
However, Romania is a poor country, with high unemployment rates and other social issues.
This is another country with a wide gap between the poor and the wealthy. It has suffered through wars, as well, draining it of its resources.
Turkey right now is battling with terrorism and internal unrest. Nonetheless Turkey is a very unique country, with one half in Europe and one half in Asia. There are numerous places to see and many fantastic things to do in Turkey. Turkish food is delicious and the people are very friendly.
Cambodia has high levels of crime because its citizens are living in poverty. It makes a lot of its GDP from tourism, but this has changed in recent years because of the high level of crime. Human trafficking is another grave problem that is plaguing Cambodia.
But nonetheless, Cambodia is in no doubt one of the best Asian countries to visit. The culture is amazing, and there are lots beautiful natural attractions.
Right now, Syria is in the middle of a civil war has gone on for many years, causing many fatalities and displacements of it citizens. Syria has a lot of places with significant historical importance.
Although Greece has some of the most stunning sights, with Greek temples and gorgeous landscapes, its economy is highly unstable. The unemployment rate is high and most citizens are facing economic hardships.
Iran is one of the top Asian destinations to visit with its historical wonders, exquisite landscapes and fantastic culture.
However, the poverty levels in Iran are high. The country has suffered for many years as a result of economic sanctions.
Iraq is an unstable country that has been facing wars, civil unrests and terrorism for many years. There are also issues with pollution levels.
Iraq, however, is another country with huge historic significance and lots of heritage sites, places to see and things to do.